UMN Turfgrass Team at Badger Park grand opening in Shorewood!

June 14, 2021
Person in front of display speaking to others in a park

On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 from 6-8pm, the city of Shorewood will have a grand opening celebration for Badger Park. The park is located at 5755 Country Club Road, 55331 and is right next to Shorewood City Hall.

In addition to enjoying the park and other festivities provided by the City of Shorewood, please stop by and see Lawn Water Conservation Educator Shane Evans and our mobile educational trailer in person. The focus of our educational trailer is to educate residents regarding lawn care and irrigation best management practices.

If you have any questions regarding yard maintenance, how to manage lawn water use in this summer heat or just about anything else relating to lawns, Shane will do his best to provide an answer. 

This project is funded by the Metropolitan Council. To learn about our work on smart irrigation controllers and turfgrass irrigation efficiency, please visit the UMN Turfgrass Science's Irrigation Resources webpage and the Metropolitan Council's Irrigation Efficiency webpage.

University of Minnesota, Metropolitan Council and Clean Water, Land and Legacy logos