lawn care

Register now - UMN Turfgrass Lawn Care Field Day 8/15/24!

a group of people listening to a speaker outside at a turf field day

Registration is open for our UMN Turfgrass Lawn Care Field Day!

UMN Turfgrass Team at the Sustainability Day in Golden Valley this weekend!

a turfgrass educational display with University of Minnesota colors and logo

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at the Sustainability Day at Market in the Valley this Sunday, July 28, 2024 from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

Will you get stung by your bee lawn?

By Kristine Moncada

A common question we get about planting bee lawns is whether or not it will lead to an increased chance of getting stung. As my background is in plants and not insect behavior, I often struggle with how to answer this question; after all, the point of a bee lawn is to attract bees and some bees can sting people. Ultimately, the answer is, while the chance of getting stung is not zero, it is unlikely. Let’s learn a little more about bees and wasps to know why this is the case.

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events - 7/16/24 and 7/18/24!

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events this week - 7/10/24 & 7/13/24!

a woman explaining lawn care to a family of three at an outdoor educational event

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events - 6/25/24 and 6/26/24!

a turfgrass educational display with University of Minnesota colors and logo

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

UMN Turfgrass Team at the Camden Sunday Market this weekend!

The author at Dancing Bear Chocolate Studio in Minneapolis, MN.

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at the Camden Neighborhood Sunday Market at Dancing Bear Chocolate this Sunday, June 23, 2024 from 9:00am to 2:00pm.

UMN Turfgrass Team at New Brighton Park Discovery Day!

a man talking to another man and his son in front of a turfgrass educational display; several other people are examining the display

This event has been canceled due to bad weather. Please watch our blog for other upcoming events!

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events this week 6/11 & 6/13!

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

State Fair preparations have begun

By Gary Deters

In 2023, with help from the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, we redesigned our Minnesota State Fair exhibit space in the Agriculture Horticulture Building. This redesign required a lot of thought and planning to update the display’s function to better educate fairgoers on lawn care and water use (Figure 1). Although the State Fair is months away, we have already begun planning for our annual exhibit in late August.