Protocol for Golf Course Soil Moisture Mapping
Former team members Brian Horgan and Chase Straw developed an easy-to-use protocol for collecting and analyzing golf course soil moisture data using commercially available devices and free software. The protocol can be used by golf course superintendents or other staff members who want to reduce water consumption at their course. Download the mapping protocol from the University of Minnesota Office for Technology Commercialization.
Science of the Green
The game of golf is a world-wide sport with a significant economic, environmental, and social impact on society. The Science of the Green® Initiative in partnership with the USGA was a research initiative focused on the long-term sustainability of the golf industry, exploring the role golf courses play in ecosystems and how science and design can be utilized to increase the ecosystem services and value that golf courses provide society. The Science of the Green team was led by Dr. Brian Horgan, now Chairperson, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences at Michigan State University.
Field evaluation of perennial ryegrass accessions
Plants of 300 wild and landrace accessions from the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) and a collection at Rutgers University were tested in two field environments for winterhardiness (as measured by tiller survival) and other turf traits. Summary of study.