University of Minnesota Turfgrass team in the media – 12/22/21
Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work. Eric Watkins did a podcast for Field, Lab, Earth, the podcast from the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.
Listen to the podcast - Salt-Affected Roadside Grasses with Dr. Eric Watkins - to learn more about our roadside grass research.
New research publications from our team - 11/08/21
Learn more about our research! Three research articles from our group have been published in the September/October 2021 issue of Crop Science.
- UMN Turf Science Top 10 Turf Weeds by former Turfgrass Extension Educator Maggie Reiter
- UMN Turf Science Glyphosate Alternatives by former Turfgrass Extension Educator Maggie Reiter
Spring Lawn Care
This webinar video was created in partnership with the Metropolitan Council and addresses several topics on how to care for your lawn in spring.
Springtime Lawn Care: Waking Up Your Lawn
Making roadsides greener by selecting salt tolerant turfgrasses
By Michael Laskowski
Have you ever wondered where all the salt goes after the snow and ice melts from the roadsides and sidewalks? It turns out, most of the salt runs into the storm drain, but some salt will end up along the roadsides and boulevards in green areas.
Salt-Tolerant Roadside Grasses: Does Anything Actually Survive?
By Matt Cavanaugh, Research Scientist
Minimize Turf Damage From Salt This Winter, Josh Friell Explains….
By Josh Friell, Ph.D Student, Turfgrass Science