Waiting for Winter

January 11, 2024

By Kim Tiber

Just like everyone else we’ve been waiting for winter to show up this year (Figure 1).

turfgrass research plots with plastic circular structures
Figure 1. WinterTurf study on Poa annua green awaiting colder temperatures so we can make ice, December 14, 2023. Photo by Kim Tiber.

It’s starting to look and feel like winter at the University of Minnesota Turfgrass Research, Outreach and Education Center and we’ve finally got some temperatures cold enough to make ice on our annual bluegrass green for the WinterTurf project.  We’ve recently gotten a light coating of snow (Figure 2) to make things look more like winter and the forecast says more snow is on the way. 

turfgrass research plots with plastic circular structures; snow is covering the landscapes
Figure 2. Poa annua green, January 8, 2024. Photo by Kim Tiber.

Now that soil temperatures are finally below 32 degrees, I’m hoping to be out later today removing snow and starting to make ice (See Sometimes you have to be creative for more on how we add ice to our research greens).  If you want to see more about this project, you can join us for our field days this spring and summer, dates not yet set.