University of Minnesota Turfgrass team in the media – 9/15/2020

September 15, 2020

Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work!  We have a webinar video and two articles to share.

A video recording, Lawn Care Best Management Practices featuring Shane Evans, from our Watering Wisdom webinar series has been posted.  If you are interested in growing a healthy lawn with less water, please consider watching the other webinar recordings in our series!

Ross Braun, Aaron Patton, Eric Watkins, Paul Koch, Nicole Anderson, Stacy Bonos, and Leah Brilman co-authored Use of fine fescues on golf courses: III. Abiotic stresses in the August 2020 issue (page 64) of Golf Course Management magazine.  

Ross Braun, Aaron Patton, Eric Watkins, Paul Koch, Nicole Anderson, Stacy Bonos, and Leah Brilman co-authored Use of fine fescues on golf courses: IV. Biotic stresses in the September 2020 issue (page 82) of Golf Course Management magazine.