Sam Bauer

Regional Golf Course Report (Authored 4.24.13)

By Sam Bauer

What a difference a year can make.  We certainly didn’t expect to be writing this report in the end of April while looking at snow on the ground across the state.  Now compare this to last spring, with golf courses opening in mid-March, and it gives us a little perspective on the influences that Mother Nature can dish out from season to season.  This winter has certainly gone on long enough, but the end is near (let’s hope).  We rewrote the record books last summer and fall with heat and drought extremes across the state, and this winter broke some records of its own.  How about these new Twin Cities records:  

Lawn care: spring floods and drought….really?

By Sam Bauer

Are you ready for spring or still enjoying the winter?  Either way, it’s time to start thinking about home lawn care again.  Last fall we were stressing the importance of maintaining moisture levels in your lawn amidst one of the worst droughts in Minnesota’s history.  In case you’ve forgotten, the months of August through November alone saw an eight inch precipitation deficit in the Twin Cities area.  This translates to approximately 70% below average precipitation for the fall period.  Many other areas of the state, mainly northwestern and southern Minnesota, were in a much worse situation.


Second iPad Drawing this Thursday!

Congratulations to Karen Wennberg for winning January’s iPad Mini drawing!  The second drawing will be held on Thursday, February 28th.  Be sure to fill out the survey for two more chances to win an iPad Mini. Find the survey here.

For questions regarding this contest or the survey, please contact:
Sam Bauer, Extension Educator – Turfgrass Science
University of Minnesota Extension
Phone: 763-767-3518
Email: [email protected]

Take a Lawn Care Survey, Win an Ipad!

University of Minnesota Extension is seeking feedback from members of the public to help direct future lawn care and turfgrass education programs. Take a brief (10-15 minute) survey and be entered into a drawing for three chances to win an iPad Mini. Drawings will be held on January 31st, February 28th, and March 31st 2013. Early survey respondents will have the most chances at winning one of the three iPad Minis. Find the survey here.


Got Air?

By Sam Bauer

School of Turfgrass Management: Registration Form

For those of you interested in attending the School of Turfgrass Management from January 30th to February 1st, 2013, please complete the registration form below.  All questions regarding format, registration, and payment can be directed to: [email protected].  Be sure to sign up fast, as there are a limited number of seats available. 

School of Turfgrass Management: Registration Form

Consider dormant seeding your lawn this fall

By Sam Bauer

I’ve received many questions from homeowners recently regarding fall seeding options if they’ve missed the optimal seeding window from mid-August to mid-September.  If you’ve missed that window, but you still want to conduct seeding practices this fall, my recommendation is to wait until November to seed.  This practice is called “dormant seeding” and is certainly an effective way to introduce new species and/or varieties of turf into your existing lawn. 

2012 MTGF and UMN Virtual Field Day Wrap Up

By Sam Bauer

Virtual Field Day Attendee,