
University of Minnesota Turfgrass team in the media 2/8/19

Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work. We have an upcoming presentation on irrigation from Dr. Dan Sandor and a research report with results from our Regional Optimization of Roadside Turfgrass Seed Mixtures project.

Investigating regional roadside turfgrass mixtures

By Dominic Christensen

The University of Minnesota Turfgrass Science group is currently conducting research on roadside turfgrasses. We recently initiated a regional mixture trial that is taking place in seven locations across Minnesota (Figure 1).


Making roadsides greener by selecting salt tolerant turfgrasses

By Michael Laskowski

Have you ever wondered where all the salt goes after the snow and ice melts from the roadsides and sidewalks? It turns out, most of the salt runs into the storm drain, but some salt will end up along the roadsides and boulevards in green areas.

New recommendations for turfgrass on Minnesota roadsides

A University research team led by Professor Eric Watkins is working to promote healthy roadside turfgrass.  The current issue of Catalyst from the Center for Transportation Studies has an article that describes the project. 

Read more on this study, funded by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB), here: New recommendations aim to help turfgrass thrive on Minnesota roadsides.