
Turfgrass cultivar evaluation results for 2015 are now available!

By Sam Bauer

The 2015 Cultivar Evaluation Results are now available and published online.  To view these results, click the “Cultivar Evaluation Results” tab under the Research section on the left of this webpage.  Clicking this link will initially bring you to the 2015 data page, but you can view archived data from 2007-2013 as well.  Study labels are preceded by the date in which that study was planted.  For example, “2011 NTEP Kentucky bluegrass” was established in 2011, but you will be viewing the most recent data if you are in the 2015 tab.

How to use the results:

Spring Preemergent Applications for Crabgrass

By Sam Bauer

2014 Cultivar Evaluation Results

By Sam Bauer

The 2014 Cultivar Evaluation Results are now available and published online.  To view these results, click the “Cultivar Evaluation Results” tab under the Research section on the left of this webpage.  Clicking this link will initially bring you to the 2014 data page, but you can view archived data from 2007-2013 as well.  Study labels are preceded by the date in which that study was planted.  For example, “2011 NTEP Kentucky bluegrass” was established in 2011, but you will be viewing the most recent data if you are in the 2014 tab.

How to use the results:

Salt-Tolerant Roadside Grasses: Does Anything Actually Survive?

By Matt Cavanaugh, Research Scientist

Educational Opportunity: BEE AWARE- The Importance of Pollinators in the Landscape

MTGF Super Tuesday Set for January 13, 2015
Cost is $65. Education points are available. 

Turf and Bees: What’s the buzz on pesticides in lawns?

By Ian Lane, Graduate Research Assistant