Andrew Hollman

University of Minnesota Turfgrass team in the media – 6/26/24

Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work. See the June 2024 Edition of MGCSA's Hole Notes for Creating thriving bee lawns: The next research steps by Kristine Moncada and Andrew Hollman! 

Dormant seeding: The story continues

By Andrew Hollman

University of Minnesota Turfgrass team in the media – 10/24/23

Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work.

See the October 2023 Edition of MGCSA's Hole Notes for photos from our 2023 Golf Field Day and for Mixing Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass for MN Golf Course Roughs, an article by Andrew Hollman.

New research publication from our team - 9/19/23

Learn more about our research! A new, open access article by Ross Braun, Eric Watkins, Andrew Hollman, Aaron Patton has been published in the journal Crop Science. This research demonstrates that fine fescues are truly low-input as they require less fertilizer and pesticides, while maintaining turf quality, compared to traditional turfgrass species.

Braun, R. C., Watkins, E., Hollman, A. B., and Patton, A. J. 2023. Assessing the fertilizer and pesticide input needs of cool-season turfgrass species. Crop Science, 63:3079–3095. [Open Access]

Are low-input turfgrasses really low input?

By Eric Watkins

Seeding your lawn in June or July? You might want to wait

By Gary Deters

Establishing lawns from seed can sometimes be difficult even under ideal growing conditions, and there are many considerations when putting seed on the ground for small repairs as well. Spring is a time when successful lawn seeding is possible, but soil temperatures in early spring are cold which can prohibit rapid germination and establishment. We have now entered the beginning of summer when growing turfgrass from seed becomes even more difficult and we do not normally recommend seeding your lawn this time of the year. 

Dormant planting demonstrations

By Andrew Hollman

Although up to recently there was still snow on the ground, clear days with abundant sunshine bring hope of new growth on the vegetation in our landscapes and memories of warmer days.

Turfgrass Science team at the 2022 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting

The Turfgrass Science team from the University of Minnesota was well-represented at this year’s ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting held on November 6-9, 2022 in Baltimore, MD. 

Below is a listing of the abstracts from the meeting:

New research publication from our team - 7/11/22

Learn more about our research! A new, open access article by Ross Braun, Eric Watkins, Andrew Hollman, Nicole Mihelich, and Aaron Patton has been published in Agronomy Journal. This journal article summarizes research on using different cool-season turfgrasses for sod and found that fine fescue sod with strong creeping red fescue may be a promising option for sod producers.