Register now - UMN Turfgrass Lawn Care Field Day 8/15/24!

July 24, 2024
a group of people listening to a speaker outside at a turf field day

Registration is open for our UMN Turfgrass Lawn Care Field Day! The field day will be held Thursday, August 15, 2024 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. This field day will be perfect for Master Gardeners, homeowners, lawn care professionals, or anyone else with an interest in lawn care.

Highlights include:

  • Selecting low input turfgrass species and cultivars for MN lawns
  • Dormant seeding to establish or improve your lawn
  • Bee lawns - what are they and how to establish one
  • Controlling weeds with and without herbicides
  • Best lawn watering practices 
  • Fertilizing basics for healthier lawns
  • Managing for white grubs

This event is free but registration is required by noon on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. To register, please fill out this Google Form. Those that register will be emailed a reminder with instructions a day prior to the field day. 

For questions, please contact Dr. Jon Trappe at [email protected].