New research publication from our team - 11/24/20

November 24, 2020

Learn more about our research! A new research article from our group has been published in Grass and Forage Science. Garett Heineck and co-authors wrote about new methods they investigated to identify superior plant material for perennial ryegrass breeding programs.

  • Heineck, G.C., N.J. Ehlke, K.R. Altendorf, R.F. Denison, J.M. Jungers, E.G. Lamb and E. Watkins. 2020. Relationships and influence of yield components on spaced‐plant and sward seed yield in perennial ryegrass. Grass Forage Sci. 75(4):424-437.

This article is Open Access, meaning that online access is free to everyone. Below we also have listed previous blog posts from our site on the same topics. Visit our Research Publications page for even more research articles by our group.

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