July 26, 2023

Registration is open for our UMN Turfgrass Lawn Care Field Day! The field day has been rescheduled (for the 2nd time) for Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. This field day will be perfect for Master Gardeners, homeowners, lawn care professionals, or anyone else with an interest in lawn care.
Highlights include:
- Bee lawns
- Conventional and biological control of white grubs
- Fertilizer and weed control
- Low input species and cultivar selection
- Establishment and renovation of low input lawns
- Lawn watering - when and how much is actually needed
- Do people really want lower input lawns? A look at consumer preferences
This event is free but registration is required. To register, please fill out this Google Form. Those that register will be emailed a reminder with instructions a day prior to the field day. If you registered for either canceled event, no need to register again.
For questions, please contact Dr. Jon Trappe at [email protected].