Seed production

New research publication from our team - 11/24/20

Learn more about our research! A new research article from our group has been published in Grass and Forage Science. Garett Heineck and co-authors wrote about new methods they investigated to identify superior plant material for perennial ryegrass breeding programs.

Seed Production - Newsletters


Minnesota Turf Seed Council Newsletters

This newsletter is sent to producers and interested stakeholders in northern MN from greenup through swathing.

Seed Production Research - Progress Reports

Annual progress reports on grass seed production research conducted by the University of Minnesota.

2024 Progress Report

2023 Progress Report

2022 Progress Report

University of Minnesota Turfgrass team in the media – 6/11/2020

Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work!  We have two articles to share.

Eric Watkins authored Forget not the turfgrass seed producer in the May 2020 issue (page 41) of Golf Course Managment magazine.  

Fine fescue seed production in Minnesota

By Florence Sessoms

Cool-season turfgrass seed production in Minnesota is localized in Roseau and Lake of the Woods counties in northern Minnesota. Perennial ryegrass is the primary turfgrass being produced for a total of 55,000 to 60,000 acres. Perennial ryegrass is intercropped with spring wheat to allow a better survival during the harsh winter months present up north. Also, the presence of another cash crop, such as spring wheat, allows the farmer to get some income from the field in the first year while the grass is establishing as described in Figure 1.