Brian Horgan

Star Tribune: Golf courses, green? In a new sense, yes

By Dr. Brian Horgan

Star Tribune screenshot

Melting Ice on Putting Greens

Dr. Kevin W. Frank, Michigan State University

Andrew Hollman, Dr. Brian Horgan, & Sam Bauer, University of Minnesota

Regional Golf Course Report (Authored 4.24.13)

By Sam Bauer

What a difference a year can make.  We certainly didn’t expect to be writing this report in the end of April while looking at snow on the ground across the state.  Now compare this to last spring, with golf courses opening in mid-March, and it gives us a little perspective on the influences that Mother Nature can dish out from season to season.  This winter has certainly gone on long enough, but the end is near (let’s hope).  We rewrote the record books last summer and fall with heat and drought extremes across the state, and this winter broke some records of its own.  How about these new Twin Cities records:  

2012 MTGF and UMN Virtual Field Day Wrap Up

By Sam Bauer

Virtual Field Day Attendee, 

2012 Virtual Field Day

By Sam Bauer

In previous years we’ve offered the MTGF and U of MN Turfgrass Field Day here on campus at the Turfgrass Research, Outreach, and Education Center.  This year we are trying something different by offering the Field Day Virtually.  Through the efforts of our team here in the Turfgrass Science Program, and with the help of the University of Minnesota Extension, we have put together a great lineup of short (3-5 min) videos from our educators and students.  These videos will be made available to you daily (one per day) starting on September 17th, and ending on October 1st.

Dr. Brian Horgan, Flashback!!!

by Dr. Brian Horgan 

July 23, 2012