As one of the most widely known turfgrass research programs in the world, the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) has generated a large volume of turfgrass evaluation data over the last several decades, including data on fine fescues. The Turfgrass Science team is working with researchers from the Computer Science Department and U-Spatial to display this information in a better way to help consumers choose which fine fescue cultivars to plant in their yards. Watch a video recording of a webinar with Eric Watkins and Len Kne of U-Spatial describing the progress we are making with this work. This project is part of a grant, Increasing Low-Input Turfgrass Adoption Through Breeding, Innovation, and Public Education, funded by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Specialty Crops Research Initiative under award number 2017-51181-27222.
Webinar on app to improve turfgrass purchasing decisions
July 24, 2020