January 24, 2023
We have posted all 2022 turfgrass research plot data on our cultivar evaluation page for 2022. There are results posted from three types of trials.
- We have several trials sponsored by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program; these trials are also replicated throughout the U.S. You can find historical NTEP data on the NTEP website. You can also try the new Turfgrass Trial Explorer.
- We have a number of trials that are primarily used to test plant material from our breeding program. In these trials, you may see a number of entries that only have a number as an identifier (as opposed to a name); this is because these entries are only in the early testing phase.
- The third type of trial we have are the Cooperative Turfgrass Breeder’s Trials, which include germplasm from multiple private breeding companies that is being tested at several locations across the U.S. Oftentimes, entries that perform well in the CTBT will later be tested in an NTEP trial.
For more information about how to interpret cultivar trial data, please see this post.