
Drought in the land of 10,000 lakes

By Shane Evans

Some people may think the title of this blogpost is an oxymoron. I am here to tell you in 2021 that is not the case. I have previously talked about water in the land of 10,000 lakes, but my focus was on where our water comes from and how it is used in the home. In this edition, I hope to address the fallacy of drought not being possible in the land of 10,000 lakes.

Drought tolerance of consumer-available seed mixtures

By Florence Sessoms

The presence of lawns in urban environments is sometimes viewed negatively: too many chemical inputs that result in environmental pollution. I also have observed a popular misconception about irrigation on home lawns: irrigation is compared to the Danaides’ barrel (Figure 1), a bottomless pit where water is forever added and lost.  However, lawns can provide tremendous ecosystems services such as decreased soil erosion, absorption of dust and particle pollution, reduced heat island effect, and increased mental and physical human health.