City of Coon Rapids

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events - 7/16/24 and 7/18/24!

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events - 6/25/24 and 6/26/24!

a turfgrass educational display with University of Minnesota colors and logo

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

UMN Turfgrass Team at two events this week 6/11 & 6/13!

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at both of the following events this week!

UMN Turfgrass Team at Coon Rapids Summer in the City Meetings!

a woman explaining lawn care to a family of three at an outdoor educational event

The UMN Turfgrass Science team will be at three Summer in the City Neighborhood Meetings in Coon Rapids parks this summer. The events will be: