Check out our team’s latest efforts in educating the public about our work! We have a research report, new research results and a newspaper article.
The Regional Roadside Turfgrass Testing Program project led by Dr. Eric Watkins performed multi-site roadside testing of grasses and grass mixtures in MI, MN, NE, NJ, and WI. The full report on this project is available through the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies. This project was sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Minnesota Local Road Research Board.
Dr. Kristen Nelson and graduate student Michael Barnes recently completed research on the perceptions that public land managers have on fine fescue turfgrasses as part of the “Increasing Low-Input Turfgrass Adoption Through Breeding, Innovation, and Public Education” project funded by the USDA-NIFA. Visit our Low Input Turf website, to read their results.
Earlier this month, the Minnesota Daily published an article, The buzz around bees moves to public spaces, that featured University research on bee lawns including work by former graduate student James Wolfin.