By Sam Bauer
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There’s some really good information here for all of you homeowners looking to avoid the leaf raking process this weekend. The real answer to this question is NO, but it comes with one catch……he most important point with fall cleanup is that the tree leaves are not covering a significant portion of the turfgrass canopy. 10-20% coverage of your lawn might be okay, but I certainly would make sure the leaves aren’t covering any more than that. Excessive leaf matter on your lawn going into winter is bad for several reasons. First, it will smother the grass and if not removed very soon in the spring it will inhibit growth. Second, it can promote the snow mold diseases. And finally, turf damage from critters (voles, mice) can be more extensive in the spring.
The homeowner basically has three options to make sure that leaves are not covering a significant portion of their lawn:
1) Rake them up or use a blower- compost the leaves or dispose of them
2) Use the bagging attachment for your mower: compost the leaf/grass mix or dispose of
3) Mulch the leaves with a mower (i.e. chop them into small pieces so they will fall into the canopy). This is my preferred option because the nutrients and organic matter will benefit the lawn and soil. Some leaf types have been shown to reduce weed seed germination when mulched into a lawn canopy (maples, others). The leaves of some particular tree species (legumes like honey locust, others) might actually add a significant amount of nitrogen to lawns because these species fix nitrogen from the atmosphere just like soybeans, so higher leaf nitrogen contents in these leaves is possible. Additional resources for these two concepts are here:
Tree leaves and weeds (.pdf)
Nitrogen content tree leaves (.pdf)
Successfully mulching leaves into a lawn canopy requires more frequent mowing in the fall and possibly several passes with the mower to mulch the leaves sufficiently. Specialized mulching mowers can also be purchased, and these mower types will also be beneficial year-round to mulch grass leaves into the canopy. Chopping leaves into small pieces is important.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions on this information: [email protected]
Tree leaves that have built up to this level in your lawn would not be practical to mulch into the lawn canopy. Removal would be required in this situation. Photo: Sam Bauer