Dominic Christensen

Turfgrass Science Team at the 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting

The Turfgrass Science team from the University of Minnesota was well-represented at this year’s ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting held on November 10-13, 2019 in San Antonio, TX.  Seven people gave oral presentations and five people presented posters. Additionally, congratulations go to two members of our group who placed in the graduate student oral presentation contests:

Turfgrass species characteristics for roadsides

By Dominic Christensen

Buffering capacity of snow on soil temperatures

By Dominic Christensen

This winter provided some fascinating differences in soil temperatures among our roadside turfgrass mixture testing locations (Figure 1). Each site is equipped with a weather station that is collecting precipitation, air temperature, soil moisture, soil temperature, and electrical conductivity.

Investigating regional roadside turfgrass mixtures

By Dominic Christensen

The University of Minnesota Turfgrass Science group is currently conducting research on roadside turfgrasses. We recently initiated a regional mixture trial that is taking place in seven locations across Minnesota (Figure 1).



What are our former graduate students, postdocs and researchers doing now?

Sam Bauer received an M.Sc. in Applied Plant Sciences in 2011. His thesis work focused on late fall nitrogen fertilization and methods for increasing creeping bentgrass in golf course fairways. Later, he joined UMN Extension as Extension Educator for turfgrass, a position he held until 2018. He is now the executive director of the North Central Turfgrass Association and a consultant, working on a number of turf-related projects in Minnesota and the surrounding states.